By Susan Ksiezopolski
Here is to more sunny days ahead and more time outdoors! If you are going outdoors anyways why not consider doing some gardening, planting some seeds and tending to them? Being outdoors, digging, planting, watering, not only keeps us physically active and also benefits our minds. In England a study of over 300 people, showed that 80% of participants engaged in gardening had better mental health and 93% reported that their confidence and motivation also improved. Studies in Sweden reported that having access to a garden (even a balcony garden) has a significant positive impact on reducing stress.
When we spend time outdoors not only are we getting more vitamin D but we are also getting more oxygen. We tend to breath more deeply, raising the oxygen levels in our blood and reducing our heart rate and body tension. Increasing our oxygen intake helps us regenerate our worn out cells, gives us a boost of energy and also supports our immune system.
Spending time outdoors, a walk-in nature and viewing plants and gardens also helps to reduce stress and muscle tension, according to a recent Japanese study. Environmental psychologist Roger Ulrich, found that having a view of plants and trees from post-operative wards helped improve the mood of patients, reduced the amount of analgesic use, reduced surgical complications and length of stay.
Come May our community gardens at Joshua Creek Heritage Arts Centre, are in full hustle, our gardeners are busy getting ready for their new season, tilling, and planting. The buds on our trees and our flower garden beds are also getting ready to greet you! Plan a visit soon and harvest the benefits of our gardening or reach out and rent out one of our community plots and join our community of gardeners to plant your own garden.

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