
The Gallery will be closed June 3rd, June 4th & June 5th due to an exhibition change over. Thank you for your understanding.

Sponsoring an Artist with Art from the Heart programs

Sponsoring an artist with disabilities is a personal way to show support for these uniquely talented artists. Your generous gift will provide art, wellness, and nature-based education for these often overlooked community members.

Often underfunded by the provincial and Federal government, your support is needed now more than ever to help us continue to provide a sense of place for differently abled community members.

How Artist sponsorship works


Sponsorship helps break the cycle of isolation providing community for those most in need. When you sponsor an artist, you provide access to art, wellness, nature and a sense of place.

At Joshua Creek, we believe everyone has an artist within and deserves the right to community and friendships.


Support An Artist


Access to supplies. An imperative component to continue to develop and support artist growth.

Access to education, classrooms, educational supplies and training for teachers and parents provide an artist with opportunities for a better sense of place.

Advocate for differently abled community members’ rights to education, creativity, access to the natural world, and wellness programs.

Lifelong supporters allow our organization to keep cost to a minimum and provide the gift of supporting multiple artists for years to come.  Lifelong supporters allow impact on all levels within the organization and reach a broader audience for those most in need.

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Sponsor an Artist.

Additional information


Art Supplies ($30), Education ($50), Empowerment ($100), Lifelong Supporter ($1000)


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