
The Gallery will be closed June 3rd, June 4th & June 5th due to an exhibition change over. Thank you for your understanding.

OakvilleGreen: Ready for Rain: DIY Rain Garden Workshop Series

It’s hard not to be thinking about water management given the incredibly dry summer we have just had. Rain gardens are an excellent and relatively inexpensive garden addition, which can help you capture more rainwater on your property, whilst reducing stormwater runoff, increasing biodiversity, and improving the health of our lake and stream ecosystems.  

Oakvillegreen is launching its Ready for Rain: DIY Rain Garden Workshop Series this November. The training is absolutely free, combining both online workshops done from the comfort of your own home, and hands-on demonstrations carried out at our very own Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre, where as part of the course you will be helping us to build a demo rain garden to teach others about the benefits of rain gardens.  

Come spring you will be fully trained-up and ready to install your own rain garden, and Oakvillegreen will continue to support you, with helping hands, guidance and lots of encouragement.  

If you would like to find out more then please join us on Saturday, November 5th from 10-12 for our initial information session here at Joshua Creek Heritage Art Centre (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeygcYoDz80WIplgNuvv9GRS4dTJNavph8Lc_zXRKAjfzZrrA/viewform). Alternatively, if you are unable to attend, but interested in the course, you can email maryann@oakvillegreen.org for further details.  

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